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Care for the ear has been improved to be a lot easier, safer and simpler than the old syringing or irrigation methods. We offer microsuction earwax removal which is precise, painless and designed for effectiveness and comfort.
The Endoscopic microsuction technique used at TheEarExpert is regarded as the safest for effective earwax removal as it is well-maintained and handled to render the best service.
Compared to the microscopic method, the endoscopic method allows a wider view of the ear canal for safer treatment and unlike for srynging, treatment can be performed even if you have perforated eardrums, grommets, mastoid cavities and any other foreign bodies in the ear canal.
Our procedure for carrying out earwax removal is the gold standard. An endoscope is used for viewing the ear canal, coupled with a suction device for earwax removal from the canal using low pressure for your comfort. This suction machine in essence, sucks the wax out of the ear canal safely.
This process entails a detailed review, endoscopic ear examination and earwax buildup removal. We show our patients clear images or videos of the ear before and after treatment if requested.
Earwax removal using this sophisticated technique is exceptionally safe and effective. There are a whole lot of benefits associated with this method and they include the following:
Good view of the canal: the endoscope makes the visibility of the ear outstandingly clear. Monitoring the whole wax extraction process is easy.
No ear drops required: the ear can be cleaned effectively with no ear drops. It is a dry cleaning procedure, and it does not irritate. However, using ear drops won’t impair its effectiveness, but it is not needed.
Safe for Perforated ears: if you have any ear condition, this method is safe for you. We carefully inspect the ear canal to make sure no further damage occurs.
It is the gold standard approved for earwax removal across the medical profession. It is safe and comfortable for you and the specialists doing the work. Being able to observe and monitor the whole process makes it the gold standard method of earwax removal.
Remember, your safety and comfort is our priority.
Remember, your safety and comfort is our priority.
A certified and qualified audiologist with over a decades’ worth of clinical experience in the health sector provides all your treatment.
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